Crescent Eye Stones


These small marble crescent-shaped stones can be placed on the cheek bones just below the eyes to reduce sinus pressure, on or around the eyelids to reduce eye fatigue, puffy eyes, and wrinkles! Sold by the pair.

In stock (can be backordered)

SKU: MS-Crescent-Eye
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Chill them in the refrigerator or freezer, but be careful when first applying to the skin! It is best to use a dry barrier (sheet, shirt, or towel) between your skin and the stone to prevent freezer burn. Use them like you would an ice pack (that won’t melt), or cool cucumbers (that you don’t need to slice). Marble stone does not retain heat as long as basalt stone does, so this stone is not ideal for warm or hot stone work except while in the bath or shower where the heat is continuously applied.

Use the eye stones with the face stone. It can also be used to place over the eyes to bring down any swelling as well as toning the muscles of the face. For many sinus pressure sufferers this stone can greatly reduce sinus pressure without any medication when the face stone is placed between the eye brows and the crescent eye stones are placed below the eyes on the upper cheek bones.

There are MANY more marble stones utilized at spas for hands-on cold stone massage than we sell on this site. Many of the stones used in spas are being used by a licensed therapist working ON YOU rather than you using them on yourself. The stones you see listed above are the ones we have selected as the most beneficial for home use. You should proceed with caution when using any of them. You can very literally freezer burn yourself with stones that are too cold for use. (BE CAREFUL!)

Additional information

Weight 0.25 lbs
Dimensions 1.825 × 0.75 × 0.375 in


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